Sunday, 30 May 2010

Charles Church Floor and Plumbing Problems. Is It Only the First Owner that Need Worry?

After a long drawn out process, often taking 4 to 5 years, then maybe a floor fix, or plumbing fix might be implemented in ones property.

But the fixes the company uses can vary dramatically. Even though one house on an estate might be used as a test case, even if the approved fix is only just suitable for that house (and be aware that house may not be representative of the problem, it might be one of the better examples across a Charles Church estate), that house and others may enjoy a substantially better fix, than the approved (rolled out) method.

Why would Charles Church choose a 'representative home' as one with less of a problem? Because any 'approved fix' based on that home (even if unsuitable for the other homes) could save them money and still likely be rolled out for the other homes.

Noisy floors are one such example within a Charles Church home. When buying a Charles Church house design, which could be a larger or smaller design, either way, within the same house type, different fixes may have been done on different homes, some fixes better than others.

See comments below, for readers findings on Charles Church housing stock.


  1. We recently looked at a recently built ex 'New' Home from Charles Church. Plot 21 from the Grange. Owner had issues with flooring and plumbing. They seemed to have managed to be one of the lucky ones rushing through the fixes quicker than many other homes had suffered on the estate. But alas we couldn't feel confident, so are still looking at other homes on the market. We were worried about the floors, which whilst the noise and cracking concerns appear to be ok now, the subject of vibration and other concerns meant we were not happy to have a so called 'approved fix' house.

    One would suggest buyer beware, whether looking at a brand new or second hand Charles Church home.

  2. We found similar with Charles Church and noisy floors and vibration problems - rattling furniture and tea cups.
    On seeing examples of larger designs, e.g. Swanwick or smaller e.g. Curbridge, either way, within the same house type, different fixes were claimed to have been used on different homes, some fixes better than others, yet same basic underlying faults.
    Seems unusual way to fix a problem. Only sense we coud make of it was trying to get the cheapest possible fix approved by NHBC or home owner. Builder trying to save money appeared to us to be the motive. Yet if your going to go to all that trouble - months of remedial work in a home - why not take a little extra care/time and fix the defects properly. Better to do it once and get it right first time, that keep trying over and over.
