Sunday, 25 April 2010

BBC Watchdog Persimmon Homes Again

BBC Watchdog, Persimmon Homes again - a typical experience we have found out the hard way.

If your considering the purchase of a new home from the Persimmon Group plc, I would advise you carefully consider your decision, and think again.

Whether Persimmon Homes or Charles Church (the luxury side of the Persimmon Group plc), the negative feedback from speaking directly to home owners is overwhelming. And worrying to the point I would not buy a new home from the Persimmon Group plc.

However, we unfortunately did not know this when we purchased new home from Persimmon. And what has so far followed in nearly 4 years of inconvenience, stress and anxiety. As well as bullying and intimidation, and being threatened for not signing documents known to be false.

One day we may be able to sell our Persimmon Home, but it will have to be repaired first, from original faults, and so far this is taking a very very long time.

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