Friday, 5 February 2010

Persimmon Homes Customer Complaints - why only fix one home?

Interesting article regarding plumbing or water for Westbury and Persimmon homes and Contaminated Water. A fault which we have raised concerns about with our home because the cold water drinking tap gives out hot water.

Two things about the article that sound all too familiar to us, are firstly having to run the kitchen drinking water tap for one litre before drinking (much more in our case), and secondly the idea of the builder only fixing one home on the estate and expecting other affected residents to fix their own contaminated water problems (which could be as much as £10,000).

Persimmon Homes surely realise this is not good enough. Persimmon Homes should we feel take serious snagging faults more seriously. We should be entitled to know that our drinking water is safe to drink, rather than Persimmon ignoring the problems in our new home.

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