Monday, 7 September 2009

Persimmon Homes Customer Complaints

Has M&S been used to try and get a little of the M&S quality brand to rub off on Persimmon Homes ?

Search on Google or Yahoo, for Persimmon Home Complaints. Also check out the website forums, and look for Charles Church and Westbury Partnership, other brands within the Persimmon Group.

Customer complaints are across all three.

Also check news stories, with reputable news papers such as the Telegraph and Times - all have searchable archives on line.

The complaints we found go back 10 years, and appear not to have improved. If anything our own experience feels far worse than anything reported, as the reported stories seem to be watered down so as not to effect the resales too much or upset neighbours on those developments - but talk privately to customers of Persimmon or Charles Church and the complaints come to the surface very quickly.

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