Monday, 28 September 2009
Wasting More & More Customer Time, That's Charles Church Customer Service
Delay after delay, excuse after excuse, Charles Church are fine if you don't spot the faults, but complain and try to get issues resolved and expect to see the other side to Charles Church.
I would never advise any one to purchase a home from Charles Church, nor any other company in the Persimmon Group, which includes Persimmon Homes.
Thursday, 24 September 2009
Ewan Mackay, a Regional Director for Persimmon Homes. You Make Me Laugh
Regional director for Persimmon Homes East Scotland, Ewan Mackay, said: "It is normal for a development of this scale to generate comments from the local community and we are more than happy to work with the council and local planners to address these issues."
“As a responsible house builder we are committed to working closely with the communities in which we operate to ensure all issues are addressed and we will continue to do so at our Easter Langlee development.”
But Charles Church (part of Persimmon) won't fix our home, from the leaky plumbing to the faulty flooring, after many years . . . maybe Persimmon and Charles Church directors should try being a customer complaining for a fix, and see if it's rose tinted marketing they want to hear.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Could a £200 spend on a proper specification floor have saved £50k in repair costs
£50k is just one estimate, taking labour and material and estimating temporary accomodation at 3 months . . . but Charles Church is known to take years over these matters just to finally get to a fix that might work, and then might move you out for a year whilst they try to implement it.
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Charles Church Noisy & Bouncy Floors
Don't take the short cut fix, make sure the Knight gives you a proper fix to the problem, not a minimum line of noggins across your joists. Read up on benefits of bridging using solid blocking rather than noggins (or herringbone cross bracing).
My Reasons for Not Recommending a Charles Church Home
1. Poor Customer Service, over and over again - the worst I've ever experienced.
2. Poor Quality and Workmanship - original construction, snagging work, planning.
3. Poor Specification, particularly the things you can't see or don't notice initially (floor joists).
4. Dangersous faults - electrics, central heating (gas), security.
5. Misleading Sales & Marketing - what happened to property misdescriptions act?
6. Stress & illness from trying to fix points 1 to 5.
7. Extraordinary amount of time wasted trying to fix points 1 to 5 - measured in years.
Having talked to numerous owners, I would also not recommend buying a new home from Persimmon Homes or Charles Church.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Persimmon Homes Forums, Customer Complaints
Many years on, and the simplist faults remain unfixed. Unfortunately the serious expensive to fix faults also remain unfixed.
Visit the internet web forum for home owners opinions and views on Charles Church and Persimmon Homes. But be aware, home owners are worried about the consequences of complaining - something Charles Church staff (inc Director level) are only too keen to remind customers when they are trying to get faults fixed.
Monday, 14 September 2009
Persimmon Homes Reviews & Customer Complaints
You can read reviews on Persimmon Homes and Customer Complaints at the dooyoo website.
Friday, 11 September 2009
Will Persimmon Homes be Featured on New Watchdog Series
I'd welcome Anne Robinson giving them tough questioning as to the approach the Persimmon Companies have to customer service and dealing with customer complaints, snagging and construction issues.
On a lighter note, it could be a fun race, to see which home owner might get featured first - we could call it the Persimmon Cup, and place bets on who's featured first?
Persimmon Homes has a history with Wathdog, and other builders have been on TV before, for their customer service.
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Good Old Charles Church, More Unhappy Customers
We made the mistake to purchase a Charles Church property over 3 years ago, and we are still awaiting the snagging to be finished, and for some major faults and leaks to even start being fixed or investigated. The builder appears to have bent over backwards to AVOID doing anything to properly redress the issues they caused with poor construction and a lack of quality control. Something which we appear not to be alone in reporting, whether one looks to houses built before or after ours. Even in 2009, the customers one talks to, across Charles Church and Persimmon Homes devlopments are still reporting problems of a similar nature.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Better Quality Specification Without a Premium Price, checkout Explore Homes Guillemont Parc
So why do Charles Church sell homes in the region of £600k, with upper floors that have a floor joist system with a Serviceability Index as low as possible, resulting in upto 12mm of deflection on the floor joists? Yet they claim in marketing material to build new homes to 'highest specification'. Search for information on; Charles Church (or Persimmon Homes) Floor Joists, specifically 'minimum Floor Joist Serviceability Index 1.0'.
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Persimmon Home Owners formed a residents' association to resolve complaints
The article says - A Persimmon Homes spokesman said it was aware of various snagging issues - some how I wonder how many days before they might then claim they lost the snagging lists, and now have no record of any issues? This is a pattern Persimmon Group has repeated with us on a number of occasions.
The residents comments regarding the snagging, finish and standards of the estate are damming - but not untypical of those heard from other customers.
In talking to home owners we found for Persimmon Homes and Charles Church Noisy Floors (or noisey) also known as Squeaky Floors (or squeeky) and Floor Boards (or floorboards), were the most common complaint. It's also one of the most expensive to repair properly if the original fault is with the design and/or installation of the floor joists themselves, which can include problems with the joists fastenings, the brickwork they rest on, or the floor joists not being adequately protected from rain (weather elements) prior to being installed.
If buying a new home from Charles Church or Persimmon Homes, one should check or ask about the upstairs floor specification, specifically the Serviceability Index (SI). This is a measure of the joist performance (stiffness) relative to the minimum performance (12mm deflection). The minimum Floor Joist Serviceability Index is 1.0 for the UK, and with the higher specification builders this can be between SI 5 and 9 or even higher.
In homes we checked built by Persimmon Group plc, we generally found 245mm depth by 45mm width wooden composite semi-engineered joists across upto 4m span. Which when joists are spaced at 600mm as we found with Charles Church, the SI is 1.07. giving manufacturers joist deflection guide of over 10.73mm (over a cm). We could not find a lower specification they could have fitted, so beleive for this span, the SI of 1.07 is the lowest specification they could have used.
We understand the cost for all the floor joists (SI 1.07) were less than a thousand pounds for a 5 bedroom home, and that a significant increase in the SI could be acheived by spending only 40% more on those joists. The house type sold for around £600k. Yet on the marketing brochures, and company web site they talk of 'highest specification', which I don't see myself. To fix the problem now has been estimated at over £47k for a 'simple' fix (2-4 months work, ceilings down), and over £102k for a proper fix. Every home we checked, across every Charles Church or Persimmon Homes development has similar problems, providing you know how to spot the early signs.
For interest an SI of 6.19 gives a floor joist deflection of only 1.87mm in the above example (by using thicker joists closer together), a substantial reduction in floor joist deflection and resolving bouncy floor concerns for us.
Added a site description to the 'Persimmon Blog' today
Our Charles Church New Homes - A nightmare that began with the purchase of a brand new home from Charles Church (part of the Persimmon Group, which includes Persimmon Homes, Westbury Partnership).
The experience Charles Church gave us has been one we regret every day, we wish we had never seen the house, let alone bought it.
Several years on and we are still fighting for the home to be fixed and finished to a reasonable standard. We are not alone, the problems we have occur across estates, whether one looks in 2009, goes back 5 years or 10 years, same problems, same builder.
We are unable to sell our home, unless we take a substantial loss (to compensate a new owner for the cost of fixing the structural and other issues).
The builder continues to avoid investigating the faults, acknowledging the faults, or fixing the faults. They have shown great endeavour in hiding the faults, laying blame elsewhere, intimidating the customer, playing games and wasting time, trying to push a substandard fix on the home owner.
Monday, 7 September 2009
Persimmon Homes Customer Complaints
Search on Google or Yahoo, for Persimmon Home Complaints. Also check out the website forums, and look for Charles Church and Westbury Partnership, other brands within the Persimmon Group.
Customer complaints are across all three.
Also check news stories, with reputable news papers such as the Telegraph and Times - all have searchable archives on line.
The complaints we found go back 10 years, and appear not to have improved. If anything our own experience feels far worse than anything reported, as the reported stories seem to be watered down so as not to effect the resales too much or upset neighbours on those developments - but talk privately to customers of Persimmon or Charles Church and the complaints come to the surface very quickly.
Buying a New Build from Persimmon Homes or Charles Church
Friday, 4 September 2009
Reasons I Would Not Buy a Persimmon Home
My Reasons for Not Recommending Persimmon & Charles Church Homes
1. Poor Customer Service
2. Poor Quality and Workmanship
3. Poor Specification, particularly the things you can't see or don't notice initially (floor joists).
4. Dangersous faults.
5. Misleading Sales & Marketing
6. Stress caused trying to fix points 1 to 5.
7. Time spent trying to fix points 1 to 5 - measured in years.
Thursday, 3 September 2009
More on Persimmon Homes, Westbury Partnership and Charles Church New Homes
But it has to be done in such a way that those customers that have invested in a new home from the Persimmon Homes Group, do not (either in perception or reality) devalue their investment.
To that end ones focus will be on Customer Satisfaction Surveys regarding Customer Service, and not focussing on the quality or structural issue (which have greatest impact on resale, if a Persimmon Estate gets a bad name)
Some of The Nicer Things in Life, Things to Enjoy and Look Forward To
Having recently been looking at a Wedding Venue, we've particularly liked the following; Pentillie Weddings Cornwall, Ballyhannon Castle Ireland.
And we've been looking at our other favorite short list of wedding suppliers as well, for our big day, including the following . . .
For other suppliers, again continue from Wedding Venues, to Wedding Photography, Bridal Ware, and Wedding & Celebration Cakes. For Wedding Dresses; Maggie Sottero and Nicki Hill. For Wedding Photography; Jeff Ascough and Lovegrove Weddings. For Wedding Cakes; Cakes by Sarah Louise and Maisie Fantaisie.
We'll add more suppliers as we like them. Please add comments as to your own favorite wedding companies.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Couple’s new home nightmare
Couple's Persimmon Homes Nightmare
Also interested in home owners views on Persimmon and Charles Church new homes, exspecially if you are nervous of complaining, then we would like to hear your reasons why.