Friday, 27 November 2009

Persimmon Homes - What Qualifications Do Staff Need?

Attention to detail does not seem a strong point of Persimmon Homes, nor for that matter Charles Church staff/operatives.

A simple spelling mistake can have big consequences for Persimmon Homes amongst local residents and companies.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Still we await a fix to the many many faults, come on Persimmon Homes

It's about time Persimmon Homes and Charles Church took quality and customer service seriously. The articles one reads describe an unacceptable experience for too many customers. It's about time Charles Church started to honour their warranties without the stress and anxiety we have (and continue) to be made to feel, maybe even try to live up to their bold marketing claims . . . ultimately we feel the customer is the looser, and we have lost more from deciding to purchase a New Home from the Persimmon Group plc than we ever thought possible.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Charles Church & Persimmon Homes, Noisy, Bouncy, Unlevel Floors

Home owner still battling for floor joist fix with Charles Church - home owner talks of cracking sound from floor joists and vibration of flooring (furniture rattles - bouncy floor).

Three and a half years, and even leaks are unresolved in the property . . . one can relate to how unpleasant an experience a new home from Charles Church (part of Persimmon Group) can be.

Of interest is the advice regarding upstairs floor problems, particularly flooring issues when a person is walking on the upstairs floor, and a crack or cracking sounds can be heard by someone underneath. This is usually a very expensive problem to fix, and thus be prepared for a difficult time getting the builder to admit to a problem, and then to actually agree on a proper fix that might solve the problem. Extra nails or screws are unlikely to resolve serious cases, and even extra rows of noggins are not going to fix strength issues with the floor. Look to cross bracing (herringbone bracing struts) as a minimum and or joist sistering/plating to solve the issues properly.